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Behind & Beyond


Lessons from Wars and Peace in Europe.


Paris • Eastern France • Normandy • Munich • Nuremberg • Berlin


Operated in



starting from


Booking deadline

February 16, 2024

Early bird

Register by Dec 5, 2023 for a $100 per person discount


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During this past summer, we dedicated ourselves to an intensive month-long exploration in France and Germany, immersing ourselves in visiting museums and documentation centers, exploring battlefields, bunkers, trenches and meeting people affected by World War I, World War II, the Cold War up until the present day. Something became incredibly striking to us: there was an evident interconnection of everything, revealing a cyclical pattern where causes stretch far back in time, some argue spanning centuries. Present-day tensions and even conflicts seemed undeniably linked to events from the 20th century and further into the past. It was obvious to us that the youth of today cannot reasonably form a comprehensive conclusion on how to shape their lives, establish their values, or decide on what to defend, without understanding this crucial historical period, especially in the context of the conflicts of today.

Not only do the wars stand out, but also the impressive and unprecedented period of 70 years of peace in Western Europe. While the adage “history repeats itself” is true, grasping that war is always with us is not enough. We must actively guard against the radicalism and divisiveness that perpetuate this ugly story. Moreover, and more importantly, it is critical to examine and sustain the principles and cooperation that facilitate this incredible period of peace.

Throughout the tumultuous conflicts that defined the past century, numerous nations across Europe and the globe found themselves embroiled in the upheavals of war. Amidst this complex tapestry of historical events, we have deliberately chosen two...

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some highlights

Explore battlefields along the French and German fronts as well as the famous landing beaches

Learn at world-class museums and dokumentationzentrum

Hike high in the mountains and dive deep into underground bunkers or air shelters

Meet special people, taste local foods and drinks, get a sip of the art de vivre of two major European countries

Savor the precious beauty of living in a peaceful and joyful environment

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a journey

This is a 14-day journey. One week in France starting from Paris and through Eastern and Northwestern France followed by a second week in Germany from Munich and Bavaria up to the reunified capital, Berlin. It's a journey.



Lively introduction to the life of abundance and disregard of the Belle Epoque in fascinating and powerful early 20th century Paris. Let the champagne flow, the music play, and don’t think about the difficulties of tomorrow! Just believe in the myth of perpetual prosperity!



The Belle Epoque sparkles in Paris as in no other city! Join the beauty, the energy, and the positivity of this exciting new world. Inventions are happening, the world seems limitless in its potential and promise. It is an exciting time of expansion and optimism! Today we’ll step back into that era. Nothing bad could happen: the modern world was emerging, including the new people mover, the metro, which we’ll use. The industrial revolution fueled a belief in modernity, progress and opportunity around the world! The Eiffel Tower stood as the ultimate monument to possibility, a feature of Exposition Universelle (World Fair) from 1889, a mere 25 years before WWI. It later played a starring role in the drama of war. Experience the institutions that glorified and honored the war dynamic and war heroes, finishing the day at the French museum that covers military history from King Louis XIV through Napoléon’s time through WWII. Paris is the city to see the monuments of the powerful kingdoms of old and a walk along the Champs Elysée allows us to take it all in, from the bridges that sparkle with their gold-covered statues to the monuments of war like the Arc de Triumph and its buried soldat inconnu, as well as gifts like Cleopatra’s needle, a 3000-year-old relic from ancient Egypt, testifying to the influence of France and its connection to powerful empires around the world. The stage is set!



1914. War has been declared! Join the brave and jubilant soldiers who eagerly headed off to war, assuring their families of their return for Christmas dinner, never imagining the horror that lay ahead in the world’s deadliest and most destructive conflict to date. Leaving the City of Lights, we’ll head towards the French Eastern front where we’ll walk on the battlegrounds where the American military first...

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for whom

Travelers from all generations are invited to to this Family Learning Journey! In addition to a deep and impactful experience, we’ll also enjoy some of the lighter aspects of the countries we'll visit. This is an important trip and becomes even more meaningful when we share perspectives, stories and impressions from individuals of all ages. Parents please consider...

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War has several ugly faces and our quest is to understand and internalize some of these aspects, even though comprehending fully what victims, soldiers and citizens endured remains impossible. We will physically feel the dampness of cool concrete bunker walls, and stumble through the darkness of an installation, seeking even the faintest glimmer of light. Our journey involves absorbing history, listening to personal testimonies, engaging in group discussions, processing these experiences personally, and connecting emotionally—trying to grasp what we can. Through this expedition, we come to a realization: peace is a precious treasure worth earnestly fighting for and protecting. As strange as it may seem for a trip focused on wars, we will end the trip by celebrating the enduring strength of the human spirit and the desire to create community!

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What's Next

If you'd like to know more, click on the button "ask us" and we will be happy to share the rest of the story about this trip as well as detailed pricing information including what is included and what isn't.  The absolute best way to find out about the trip is to plan a video call with us to answer all the questions you have!

Looking forward to being in touch!

PS: in the meantime you can check our "This Is How We Travel" page to get a glimpse of our travel philosophy. Or ask a friend or family member who has travelled with us in the past, if you happen to know anyone who has!

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© 2023, Simon Webb • thedensecompany for BlueStoneBlueOcean.

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