"A Mexican market is a blur of people, sounds and smells. The produce is gorgeous, piled high and composed of peculiar produce alongside the more familiar. Divided in sections, you can find anything from the meat market to the live animal section, or costumes for kids. It is definitely not to be missed on any visit to Mexico. However, after visiting a few they seem to all be about the same, draped from high roof to floor in merchandise with vendors yelling out at you from every stand. Then yesterday, we discovered something quite different that brought Mexican markets to another level! Arriving at the market zone (it is a HUGE zone!), we entered one building completed dedicated to dresses, gorgeous gowns that Mexican women don on 5 important occasions in their lives. These dresses are above and beyond fancy, fluffy, silky and rhinestoned with all of the accessories like sparkly crowns and fairy wings. Moving into another section we found the food stalls, ate a quesadilla with squash blossoms and a tlayuda with nopales, drank a dark beer with sweet mango sauce and toasted sesame seed along the rim and moved into the best section of the market. It was Sunday afternoon and this market became a literal party, loud music blaring, people drinking giant beers or bright blue cocktails, packed into the aisles and little stalls where drinks were sold, dancing, singing and enjoying the end of their weekend. Mostly, this area sold used clothes and shoes, some excellent vintage items, jewelry, leather goods, varying by style in different "districts" of the market, including anything from punk to hippie to more traditional. It was an experience for the senses! As we were about to leave, I spotted the antiques section! I could have spent hours there, but it was the end of the day, and people were beginning to pack up their stalls, so we quickly went through, looking at old silver jewelry, pottery, rustic furniture and old books and dishes. Too bad it's so complicated to get things back home. This was a flea market shoppers dream!
Mexico City, February 6, 2023
Cultural Immersion by BlueStoneBlueOcean
April 2023

PICTURE : © 2023, Simon D. Webb • thedensecompany for BlueStoneBlueOcean