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An American Story

Washington DC • Williamsburg • Monticello • And more

April 12-19, 2025



Family Learning Journey


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If at any moment, you encounter difficulties, let us know and we'll be happy to assit you.

 ​STEP 1  ​

trip terms and conditions 

Please Read Carefully: This is a Legally Enforceable Contract.


Travel Date: April 12-19, 2025




Deposit Due at time of Registration $450

October 10, 2024 $1,500

January 10, 2025 Outstanding Balance


You may pay a monthly payment of your choice.

If final payment is not paid by January 10; 2025, BlueStoneBlueOcean reserves the right to treat the client’s booking as cancelled and all cancellation charges will apply.


Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing. The date when the letter is received will be the cancellation date.


Cancellation Date before October 10, 2024: $450 per traveler non-refundable

Cancellation Date before January 10, 2025: $1,950 per traveler non-refundable

Cancellation Date on or after January 10, 2025: No Refund


Not Included

Please note that the following items are not included as part of the trip cost: Flight; Airport Transfer; Trip Insurance; Lunches (other than the lunch at Monticello); Laundry and other Items of a personal nature.



Trip Insurance

Trip medical coverage and trip interruption or cancellation insurance is highly recommended. BlueStoneBlueOcean will not make refunds as per the above cancellation schedule. If you do make a cancellation, and it is for a covered reason, this must be handled directly by you with the insurance company. All insurance claims must be handled directly by the traveler. BlueStoneBlueOcean does not file insurance claims.


Cancellation by BlueStoneBlueOcean

BlueStoneBlueOcean reserves the right to cancel this departure due to a natural disaster, act of God, act of terrorism, sickness or disease outbreak, or other causes beyond our control. In such a case a refund is given which equals the total payments received less all non-refundable expenditures paid for tour. Trips may also be cancelled due to consolidation. Consolidation refers to the fact that this trip is dependent upon a minimum number of 20 persons participating. Cancellation due to consolidation will result in a full refund. In all cases, BlueStoneBlueOcean is not responsible for additional expenses incurred by customers.


The itinerary stated for this trip must be taken only as an indication of what each group may accomplish and not a contractual obligation. The client acknowledges that the nature of travel requires significant flexibility and should allow for changes. The client understands that the amenities, type of transport, route, schedule, and itinerary may

change without prior notice due to local circumstances or events, which may include mechanical breakdown, illness, strikes, political disputes, weather, and other unforeseeable factors. A good faith attempt to operate the trip as advertised will be made.


Student Behavior

Students will be expected to sign a student contract before travel. Participants who fail to abide by the guidelines and policies may be sent home at his/her own expense and waive the right to a refund for any part of their tour fee.


Registration for the trip, as an Independent Student Traveler, under the supervision of SLOCA Chaperones, is at the discretion of the school who will take into consideration student behavior, citizenship, and ability to safely participate in group travel.


Informed Consent – Release of Information

I grant permission for BlueStoneBlueOcean and thedensecompany to use my and/or my minor child’s name, any photos, films or videos, or sound recordings of me and my minor child(ren) or my likeness on this trip in both printed and online forms.

 ​STEP 2 ​

traveler information

Please fill out one Traveler Information form PER TRAVELER (adult, accompanied minor, independent minor). Fill in the information for the first traveler and submit. Then come back here and fill it out for each additional traveler.

This section is only for a minor* traveling WITHOUT A PARENT.

*who has not turned 18 as of April 12, 2025 (beginning of the trip)

Thanks for sending! If you have additional traveler(s), please go back to the beginning of Step 2 TRAVELER INFORMATION and register them. If you have registered everyone in your group, please proceed to Step 3 LIABILITY RELEASE below.

 ​STEP 3 ​

liability release 


I Agree

that I/we and my/our minor child(ren) voluntarily plan to participate on a trip arranged by BlueStoneBlueOcean with knowledge that travel involves numerous risks, including, but not limited to risks of physical exertion for which I am not prepared; forces of nature; transportation failures whether by plane, train, auto, boat, by foot, or by any other conveyance; risks associated with food or impure water; risks associated with food allergies and/or medical conditions including, without limitation, the failure of any supplier to adhere to my dietary, medical or allergy related protocols; terrorism or the threat thereof; criminal activity; dangers associated with wild or other animals; breakdown or faulty maintenance of equipment; epidemics or the threat thereof; and stolen, lost, or misplaced luggage or property. In addition, I accept all risk of and release BlueStoneBlueOcean from errors and omissions. I acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of travel is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work and that these risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for my participation. I hereby agree to be responsible for my own welfare and that of my family and accept any and all risks of delay, unanticipated events, inconvenience, illness, injury, loss, emotional trauma or death. I acknowledge that the cost of this BlueStoneBlueOcean trip is based upon trip participants executing this Release of Liability, Assumption of All Risk, and Arbitration Agreement. Therefore, I HERBY RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FOREVER BLUESTONEBLUEOCEAN, CYNTHIA MCKINNEY HILTON, CÉDRIC JACQUEMONT AND SAN LUIS OBISPO CLASSICAL ACADEMY FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM OUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS TRIP. I agree that this release shall be legally binding upon me personally, all members of my family and all minors traveling with me, my and their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives, it being my intention full to assume all the risks associated with this trip and to release BlueStoneBlueOcean, Cynthia McKinney Hilton, Cédric Jacquemont and San Luis Obispo Classical Academy from any and all liabilities to the maximum extent permitted by law.


Medical Proxy

 I hereby give BlueStoneBlueOcean and San Luis Obispo Classical Academy and their contractors permission to arrange emergency medical treatment for my minor child if necessary, and I agree to hold BlueStoneBlueOcean and San Luis Obispo Classical Academy harmless for the provision or nonprovision of such services.


Binding Arbitration

 I agree that in the unlikely event of a dispute concerning, relating, or referring to this contract, the terms and conditions, the brochure, itinerary, or any other literature concerning my trip itself shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration according to the then existing rules of the American Arbitration

Association. These proceedings will be governed by substantive California law. I agree that the maximum amount of recovery to which I will be entitled from BlueStoneBlueOcean under any and all circumstances shall not exceed the amount of its fee for professional services, less actual expenses incurred in arranging my travel. Should any part of this contract be found invalid or not enforceable by a court of law, then the remaining portion shall continue to be valid and in force.

Knowing and Voluntary Execution

 I have carefully read and fully understand the contents of this document, including those regarding cancellation and refund policies, trip terms and conditions, limitation of liability, and responsibility born by trip participants. I understand that this is a legally binding and enforceable contract and sign it of my own free will.

Thanks for send your Liability Release! Last, in order to complete your registration, please request a payment link below.

 ​STEP 4 ​


To secure your registration, you need to make a $450 non-refundable deposit per registered traveler. Click below to receive our payment link:

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